Whew...what a crazy week! Moving is hard work (especially when you are sick). Luckily mom and stepdad came down on Thanksgiving night to rescue us. While Chad and Stacey installed light fixtures and hung mirrors, Mom cleaned and organized the kitchen. I was in a NyQuil daze and just watched it all spinning around me. Oh and Marley was no help whatsoever!

Our beautiful Christmas Tree

Ahhh...finally feels like home.

Chad and I celebrating being HOMEOWNERS!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm did some rearranging did we? And do I spot some new things on the wine hutch? Tree looks great! Miss you guys
Your place looks great! I can't wait to see it in real life =) P.S. Is that a Pottery Barn pattern on that corner of the chair I see? I miss you.
WOW! it looks great! I can't wait to see it in person. Congrats, homeowner!
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